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We're ready to start helping you build connections with top talent.

How to Get Started

First, be sure to check that your company isn't already listed here. It’s totally possible someone from your team has already added your jobs or profile. Plus, we proactively add new startups to the platform every week and yours might be one of them.

Next, see our eligibility criteria below. We welcome applications from tech startups and companies offering jobs to Houston job seekers.

Eligibility Requirements

Eligible companies must meet the following criteria to be considered:

  • Headquartered in Houston or providing roles to Houston job seekers
  • Building your own innovative technology (not including agencies)
  • More than 3 but less than 1000 employees
  • Have your own active career page (URL)
  • A private company, founded after 2000

If you are not a tech startup (i.e. IT firm, agency, VC fund, major corporation, or publicly-traded company), but you are passionate about supporting HTX Talent and the Houston tech community, drop us a note. We’ll be glad to exchange thoughts on how we can partner up.